My Associates
Here at the modern fully-equipped Norfolk Health Centre, I’m privileged to practice Massage Therapy along-side some of the top Health Care Practitioners in Norfolk County.
Dr. Brunton HB. SC.DC.
My colleague, Dr. Chase Brunton a brilliant Chiropractor is a “local-boy” born and bred.
Learn more about Chase and his Qualifications here.
Amanda DeLeebeeck RMT, R. KIN,CAT(C), ACUP
Next up is a truly wonderful Massage Therapist, Athletic Therapist & Acupucture Provider: Amanda DeLeebeeck
She’s yet another “local-lady”. Here’s a small snippet about her Athletic Therapist qualifications.
And, to read more of Amanda’s bio, please just scroll down from Chase’s write-up on this page.
Dr William Werner SC. DC.
Dr. Bill was born in Hagersville. To read all about him and his qualifications, please scroll a bit further down this page (it’s below the write up about Chase & Amanda).
Christine Holliday
And, last, but certainly not least is our very capable Receptionist (and Organizational Guru). She’s great. Please feel free, to give her a call for any of your Booking Requirements or Questions::
Office: 519-718-4277.
(She’s extremely helpful and accommodating. But, pleased be fore-warned, unfortunately Christine is not in absolutely everyday – her hours are flexible).